Friday, February 29, 2008

Back at San Francisco there was a Earthquake coming toward us and my family they were screaming and the other people were screaming to then the house was moving a lot then the window braked and we ran out of the house and find some place to stay at and went to the store but it was closed and we ran and ran then the earthquake stopped and we went back to see what happened then the whole place were destroyed and we have to find a new home to live but there was no where to live so we have to stay out side until the people who still have there car came and let us stayed in there house then gave us something to eat then we stayed happily ever after.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i think their should be a laws about school or p.e.,music,art,and other things
and about the center hospitals and medication for pills and for destroyed homes
and properties and car rentals.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Investigate 4

in investigate 4 the soil stayed there and pour the water to the soil and see were the water could find the way to go through then the water went 2 ways to the hole on the tub then goes to the bucket.